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Covid-19 Healthcare Platform

How to lifting the shutdown, partial and or total, due to measures of containing the COVID-19 pandemic ?

It is difficult to estimate what the effects of Covid-19 will be on the world economy: the reduction will be between 2.2 and 4.8 per cent of GDP.

ILO estimates that about 25 million jobs will be lost worldwide due to COVID-19.

IATA estimates in about $113 billion the losses of passenger revenue

In United States, for example, the economic impact could exceed anything experienced since the end of WWII.

The consequences of partial or total shutdown are the weakening of economics pillars and, of course, the welfare state Countries are facing problems caused by job losses for companies that are forced to close their businesses.

Pressure on national borders is high, because governments want to stop the flow of potentially contagious individuals: all this leads to frictions between the border control authorities of neighboring countries.

Many reports warns that the full impact is yet to be felt.

According to report from consultancy McKinsey & Company, World Economies could take until 2023 to recover from the impact of COVID-19 coronavirus crisis.

Sicrex Covid-19 Healthcare Platform reaches two main purposes:
1) Easing up the dramatic consequences on the economy, associated with the drastic reduction in trade, and in the flows of goods and services, reducing the recovery times
2) Control the spread of the virus in each country and between countries, preventing the flow of potentially contagious individuals.

The result is a big % reduction in losses, lifting the partial or total shutdown, reopening businesses and borders and reducing economics and social impacts.

Sicrex Platform serves both private individuals and corporate structures, from SMEs to institutional entities.

Sicrex Covid-19 Healthcare Platform helps governments and central banks efforts to recover businesses and economies to precrisis levels.

